martes, 23 de julio de 2013

#CostaRica will have a new country brand in August │ #costadevelopers

The country does joint work to promote tourism and achieve a greater attraction of visitors to level int.
The launch of the brand new country scheduled is for the month of August, this new product will integrate culture, idiosyncrasies, climate of business and human talent that exist in Costa Rica.
To define a profile of the brand country conducted several focus group which sought to consolidate the vision of Costa Rica, inward and the rest of the world.
Managers perform this product were the promoter (Procomer) foreign trade and the Ministry of foreign trade (Comex).
The cost for the development and validation of these processes has reached the $450 000 according to Procomer.
Minister of foreign trade, Anabel González, without advancing to the details of the launch, said that this product will be very valuable to position outside Costa Rica.
"The idea is that you can cover the efforts from the commercial point of view, investment, and tourism. It is a need that exists," said Gonzalez.
The definition of the brand country has been an intense work with the support of other companies who have already developed other brands country to others internationally.
Jorge Sequeira, Procomer Manager, indicated that he is a tool of marketing, which possibly will generate a higher profit in the country in terms of perception and positioning.
Other countries have had to invest large sums of money in the tourist positioning, for example Colombia invested $12 million.
Country brand is a tool that helps entrepreneurs in the country, therefore great expectations generated in the business associations.
Juan Ramón Rivera, the President of the Chamber of industries, said that it is also necessary to create discipline in environmental issues and quality.
"Is a very important effort with the seriousness of the case. All studies have been made and it is a very important proposal. If we it put on an international level we see very fortunate", said.
The creation of the brand country represents a challenge for Costa Rica, because it will have to do everything necessary to comply with this profile. The community expects in August for details.
Posted by Costa Developers

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