jueves, 25 de julio de 2013

United Nations commended #CostaRica on promotion in Aboriginal #education │ #costadevelopers

The Organization of the United Nations congratulated Costa Rica last Tuesday on a reform carried out in the country through which will strengthen the identity and culture of #people Indians.
According to the statement of the United Nations system, is "recognizes and congratulates Costa Rica by the momentum of the reform to the education that indigenous communities receive and which constitutes a significant step towards the fulfillment of the right of indigenous peoples to education of quality to strengthen their identity and culture".

This initiative and project became a public decree the previous Monday, when was officially published in the Gazette which sets out new provisions with regard to #indigenous education, and at the same time the recognition of the native #languages of the Cabecar, Bribri, Ngobe Bugle, Teribe, Maleku and Boruca.

Of agreement with the decree that approved the #Government of Costa Rica, indigenous students can be educated in their native tongues.

"Where possible, children of indigenous territories have the right to learn to read and write in their mother tongue, to ensure they come to dominate the Spanish as an official language of the nation and to progressively develop bilingual educational programs", States the Decree.

The Decree also indicates that indigenous students are entitled to educational programs that are presented to them to integrate local knowledge, including their culture, their vision of the cosmos, its #economic, social and #political organization.

This Decree was signed by the President of the Republic, Laura Chinchilla and the Minister of education, Leonardo Garnier, and also indicates it is necessary that indigenous territories also have indigenous teachers, administrative staff.

To achieve this reform, indigenous peoples were properly consulted.

In accordance with Yoriko Yasukawa, the resident coordinator system of Nations in #Costa Rica, the decree is a fundamental step to recognize the multicultural character of the country.

"We express our appreciation to the country and to the leadership that the Ministry of public education has had to push this reform to indigenous education, at the same time express support and disposal of United Nations to collaborate in its implementation," said Yasukawa to La Nación.

Posted by Costa Developers

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