miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

Chilean companies visit Costa Rica to strengthen trade ties │ Costadevelopers.com

Chile is one of the countries with better indexes both commercial human development in the region as Latin American.
Around 40 Chilean companies recently visited Costa Rica to strengthen and increase trade relations between the two countries, at a meeting called "I S Chile", according to the official spokespersons.

In the event which will have a duration of two days, participating companies of various industries, from pharmaceutical producers of containers, the information and communication technology, building materials environmental services and University services.

As the Director of the office in Costa Rica for the direction of promotion of exports from Chile (ProChile), Marcela Aravena, indicated in an interview with Acan-Efe, the main objective is to achieve a rapprochement between the Chilean manufacturing companies and services with potential business partners in the region of Central America, especially in Costa Rica.

"Want to know that Chile is not only food and drinks but a manufacturing industry. We see in Central America real opportunities for trade that are growing in time," Aravena said.

In accordance with Aravena, the Central American region is not one market for Chile, but by otherwise representing a suitable for the foreign trade area, especially products that diversify exports to Costa Rica and vice versa. Both countries maintain a free trade agreement since 2002, this meeting allows you to consolidate and capitalize on the negotiations that were established in the Treaty.

"We hope that within the framework of the FTA trade in Chile to Costa Rica continues to grow and be closer to our entrepreneurs with potential Costa Rican counterpart, which come more products like medicines, food industry, University services," said Aravena.

The delegation representative of Chile, said that the free trade agreement has been "very positive" for exports, also is expected in a medium square a significant growth of the Costa Rican sales in the South American region, using this country as a platform to cover a wider region market.

According to the data of the Ministry of foreign trade of Costa Rica, during the year 2012, exports to Chile reached $25.7 million and imports from that country $291,3 billion.

On the other hand, exports to Central America and the Caribbean increased by 17% since 2009.

Among other activities the business meeting "I S Chile" is organized by ProChile and also includes a seminar, technical workshops and wheels of negotiation.

Posted by Costa Developers 

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