domingo, 13 de octubre de 2013

Costa Rica is number one in Latin America in human capital •

The quality of workers in Costa Rica has been key for the attraction of foreign direct investment to the country.
According to the first edition of the report of Human Capital by the World Economic Forum, Costa Rica took place 35 of 122 countries, ranking the first in Latin America to provide the best conditions for the development of its workforce and local talent. The general list is led by Switzerland, Finland and Singapore.
According to Gabriela LLobet, General Director of the Costa Rican Coalition of development initiatives (CINDE) investment that takes place in country in education and health, as well as the generation of quality employment jobs, have allowed the formation of a talented workforce and competitive.
"This new index positioning reaffirms us that the quality of our human resources stands out in the world and especially in the region" said Llobet.
According to the study prepared by the World Economic Forum, the index shows the virtuous circle that multinational companies represent for countries. In Costa Rica for example and in terms of attracting foreign direct investment, they operate more than 250 foreign companies of high technology, which the country carry out innovative processes and provide services of high quality to the whole world.
"These companies provide employees opportunities for work of high quality, where they interact with new technologies and learn new skills. This impacts positively the formation of worker and its quality", concluded the Director.
The methodology used by the Forum measures the ability of countries to develop healthy, well educated and capable workers through four pillars: education, health and welfare workers, employment, and environment facilitator.
In the country have entered many foreign companies specially dedicated to the provision of high-tech services, for this reason, national companies have invested in improving the conditions of attraction for these multinational companies.
Alajuela and Cartago are two of the provinces where large-scale industrial parks will soon open to hosts a significant number of international companies that will soon begin operations in Costa Rica.
Posted by Costa Developers

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